Sunday, November 14, 2010

We're Here!

Finally, back to the blog and some good news. We made it to Newberry, unloaded our truck and are (kind of) settled in.

Got a late start on Saturday (Nov. 6) and only made it to northern Alabama. Drove to Lansing, Mich. on the second day and arrived in Newberry on Monday afternoon around 2 o'clock.

Boy was that UHaul a gas hog. Only six miles to the gallon; every fill-up was in the $150 range - UCK! Charlie's Silverado averaged 18.5 mpg, which was exceptional.

Then it took us two and one-half days to unload - Charlie and I did it all. Got the truck back in time and within the mileage allowed, so no extra charges; which was a good thing.

What a bear taking the king-size mattress up a staircase with two landings. I don't even have the energy to describe the process. Let's just say, when we were done, that was the end of our unloading for the day.

Had our first home-cooked meal on Friday night, even ate at our dining room table.

After being in perpetual motion for what seems like forever, we are actually relaxing today. I really don't have the energy to write, which is why this post is so boring. I just wanted everyone to know that we finally did make it to the U.P. and our enjoying our new home and community.