Thursday, November 4, 2010

We Have Closed!!!

I know I haven't written since Monday but we have been busy packing, packing and packing some more. After helping Charlie in the garage, I am convinced he does have more tools than a Sears store. Our 11-year-old grandson, Joseph, was sick in the morning and didn't go to school yesterday. Around noon he began to feel better and helped out with packing some of Charlie's endless supply of tools. I'm sure glad he was here.

Anyway, about our closing progress - we did get the packet from the title company on Tuesday, got it all signed and notarized but, because we babysit our four grandchildren and only have a regular-cab pickup, we couldn't get to the FedEx box in Chipley (the county seat) before the 3:45 p.m. pickup. But, the packet did go out Wednesday and was in Newberry this afternoon at 12:58, so the loan will fund tomorrow!

We picked up our truck this morning and just came in about an hour ago. Thanks to some after-work help from our son-in-law, Steven Campbell, and three of our four grandchildren, we have the entire garage in the U-Haul.

Steven also surprised us with the announcement that he taking tomorrow off to help us finish loading the truck. Even though we are not taking a lot of furniture, loading what we are taking would have taken a lot out of Charlie and me. Thank you, Steven, from the bottoms of our hearts.

If all goes well, we should be on the road bright and early Saturday and be in Newberry late Sunday afternoon. Will keep you posted.