Tuesday, November 16, 2010

2010 Newberry Buck Pole

I'm back . . . 

Monday evening, the opening day of deer gun season, the American Legion hosted a hunter's dinner. The ladies of the club served up fresh salads, a vegetable medley, mashed potatoes and gravy, roast pork and roast beef, as well as a carload of scrumptious desserts, all for only $7. We enjoyed the meal and the conversation.

What hunter dinner wouldn't be complete without a buck pole to brag around? Well this one sure had a fine line-up of the white-tail variety. Dinner goers and hunters alike paused to admire the deer, which ranged from a dressed out, 103-pound spike to a monstrous 10-pointer. Prizes were awarded for several categories and I will post the results as soon as I have them. 

In the meantime - enjoy the photographs!