Monday, October 22, 2012

Rebuild America Tour bus stops here . . .

A small but enthusiastic crowd greeted the Rebuild America Defeat Obama Tour bus when it pulled into Zellar’s Village Inn in Newberry. Read the story at Check out photographs from the event below.

Lloyd Marcus belts out a tune.

Lloyd Marcus encourages the crowd at Zellar's Village Inn.

Those attending the Rebuild America Defeat Obama Tour rally clap along to a patriotic song.

Carol and John Waltman get into the rally.

Diana Nagy struts her stuff.

Andrea Shea King encourages the crowd.

What it's all about - Defeat Obama.

Diana Nagy points to a "Yes, We DID Build It" T-shirt.

Diana Nagy sings a patriotic song she wrote.

Gotta love the shirt.

Andy Surabian tells about what he does for the Tea Party Express.

God Bless America

Newberry Village Council members Charles and Cheryl Withrow strike a pose in front of the tour bus.