Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Legislators descend on Newberry

Zellar’s Village Inn was abuzz with political speak late last week as the Save Grow Restore Newberry group and the Newberry Area Chamber of Commerce hosted the area’s 7th Annual Legislative Luncheon. View photographs below. Read the article at

Kevin Vanatta advises luncheon attendees to write questions on index cards provided.

Village President Carol Anderson and Village Manager Beverly Holmes attend the luncheon.

109th District candidate Jack Hubbard talks about his plans for the U.P. and the state of Michigan.

John Kivela, candidate for the 109th House seat, talks about the state budget.

Sen. Tom Casperson talks about the state of affairs in Lansing. 

Newberry High School students get an up-close looks at politics.

State Senators Tom Casperson and Howard Walker listen as questions are asked.

Those attending the luncheon listen attentively as Sen. Tom Casperson fields a question about "the bridge."