Seniors had another opportunity to socialize and play some
spirited rounds of Bingo at the Chippewa-Luce-Mackinac Community Action Agency
in Newberry. The sprightly group also had a delicious meal prepared by agency
With the Olympics as this month’s theme, Bingo players
yelled out such alternatives as a sport – i.e. swimming, fencing, rowing, etc.;
a country other than the United States – i.e. Kazakhstan, Britain, Canada,
etc.; and finally – U.S.A. Those who forgot and shouted Bingo had to pass their
prize on to a tablemate.
Participants were rewarded with food prizes that included
everything from Golden Oreos to burpless cucumbers donated by a local grower
especially for the senior luncheon. Two 50-25-25 drawing winners got a whopping
$40 each.
Seniors also heard about the U.P. Area on Aging 2012 44th
Annual U.P. Senior Citizen’s Convention & Expo, set for Sept. 18 from 10
a.m. to 3 p.m. at the U.P State Fairgrounds exhibition building in Escanaba.
Seniors can play bingo from 9 a.m. 11:30 a.m. According to a flyer available at
the luncheon, for a $7 donation, seniors can enjoy a Wild, Wild West themed day
that includes entertainment, health screenings, Wild West costume contest, with
a $100 first place prize, and more. Seniors interested in participating can get
more information by dialing 2-1-1.
Local organizer Marie Nicholson also talked about Project
Fresh coupons. This program provides coupons good for purchasing locally grown
produce at area farmers markets. To qualify for Project Fresh a recipient must
be 60 years of age or older, have a total household income of 185% of poverty
or less and live in the county where the coupons are issued. Income
requirements are no more than $1,679 per month for a one-person household and
$2,268 per month for a two-person household. If you qualify, contact the C-L-M
CCA at 293-5621 to find out how to get coupons.
Community Care Connections will be at the American Legion
Hall, 7964 Newberry Ave. in Newberry on Aug. 23 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. The
group offers free help and services that includes information on housing;
health care and social benefits; resume writing and job assistance; adult
education services; health screenings and information; immunizations
information; nutrition and budgeting; hair cuts; school clothing, a free mini
store; and a gift bag. Attendees can get a free meal from 11:30 a.m. until 1
The local agency also has money to purchase wood, propane or
fuel oil. A list of documents that are needed to get the assistance was
provided at the luncheon/Bingo event. Funds are available on a first-come,
first-served basis. Again, those who may qualify should get their paperwork
together and call Nicholson at 293-5621 to set up an appointment.
These monthly get-togethers never fail to entertain and are
extremely popular with area seniors, as the accompanying photographs attest.
The next luncheon/Bingo is set for Sept. 7. The fun begins at 10:30 a.m., with
lunch served at noon. Suggested donation is $5 for seniors 60 and older and $7
for those under the age of 60. Those wishing to purchase tickets for the
50-25-25 can do so by forking over only $2 for three chances to win. And, if
you do not win the cash prize, you can still get other booty when other tickets
are drawn.