Thursday, December 2, 2010

Our First Thanksgiving in Newberry

As a precursor to the Thanksgiving celebration Charlie and I attended a community wide service of Thanksgiving at the Lutheran church next door. The service was uplifting and was designed to give thanks to all God's many blessings. An organ recital (or prelude) began one-half hour before the service and a social hour topped off the evening. Ladies of the community provided coffee and treats for all who attended.

Our turkey was in the oven at 9 a.m. and dinner was served at 1 p.m. Besides the turkey we had mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes baked with a brown sugar/coconut sauce, cranberries, Brussels sprouts, fresh rye dinner rolls and cherry pie for dessert.

I set the table with fall-colored Fiesta and used the gorgeous bouquet Charlie bought me as a centerpiece.
The dinner was delicious, and quiet, with just the two of us. I guess holidays will be the times we miss our kids and grandkids the most but we did get to talk to them and my parents, which was wonderful in a different sort of way. (For the record - I didn't even cry - so I guess I'm handling the separation OK.)

A belated Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours from the Withrows of Newberry, Michigan.