Thursday, December 2, 2010

4" of Snow and Charlie Shoveling It!

I'm behind, like always, but I just had to post these pix of the 4" of snow we got the Tuesday of Thanksgiving week. It snowed overnight and we woke up to a virtual winter wonderland. It was so beautiful.

Charlie bundled up in his Carhartt jacket and set to work to rid the sidewalk of its blanket of white. Since I had marked the sidewalk with candy canes, reindeer and Christmas trees, the boundaries were easy to find and Charlie was impressed with the idea of using decorations to make his job easier.

Since my snow shovel hadn't been used in 12 years the plastic handle was in poor shape and snapped by the time Charlie got to the end of the front sidewalk. No problem - my handyman rounded up a couple of cable ties and some duct tape and had her fixed and the job finished with very little down time.

Hope you like the photographs.