Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Closing Date!

Finally, we have a closing date. After almost six weeks of waiting (and with pre-approval status, no less) we were told today that we will close on Oct. 29! We'll be closing via next-day mail since out lender did not give us enough lead time to get to Newberry for the arduous process. Imagine trying to  to get the truck, finish packing and drive 1400 miles in three days - I don't think so.

But . . . we'll have all out ducks in a row by next week and hope to be in our new home by Friday, Nov. 5, which just happens to be out sixth wedding anniversary. We plan to celebrate at The Pizza Place where we had the best pizza ever when we were up over Labor Day. It was prepared and served by Stephanie Ross. What a doll, and the cakes she makes - you would not believe.

Anyway, this is the first of many posts about our move from Vernon, Florida to Newberry, Michigan.  I've been gone for over 20 years and can't wait to finally get back to the land of the Yooper and all things U.P. Like my husband says, sunshine is way overrated; bring on the S N O W!!!