Friday, January 16, 2015

Terry Webb - A heartfelt tribute to a true friend

Today I write with a heavy heart because I have lost a friend and a long-time confidant.

Terry Webb was a man of integrity, a man of foresight, a man with a plan – for his life and for this village. I cannot begin to share with you the number of hours we spent discussing life in general as well as village business, hashing out solutions to problems, addressing village needs and considering the long-term impact of decisions made by him, as village president, along with the members of Newberry Village Council.

When the idea of selling the former 41 Lumber property came up, we talked at length about the consequences of taking the property off the tax rolls. We discussed the planned move of village offices to that location. We talked about our dogs, Terry and Vicky’s Newfoundlands and our German shepherd and Chihuahua, sharing their maladies and foolish adventures. We had conversations about the garbage service provided by the village and how the administration had been instructed to save money for future needs for that enterprise operation. We talked about Terry’s school years in Newberry.

We talked about his service to all of us as a member of the United States Air Force. We discussed his job in the service as a communications specialist. As a former telephone person myself, I could speak Terry’s language, making the conversations all the more meaningful. We talked about eliminating parking on Newberry Avenue during the annual July 4 parade. We talked national politics. We talked religion.

We talked about raising rabbits. We talked about gardening. When it was learned funding was not in place for all elements of the Tahquamenon Outdoor Recreation Park project, we talked about ways to pursue grant monies to get the park built to the perception drawings that were presented to village council members as a, presumably funded, done deal.

We talked about hunting. My husband and I visited the Webb camp, enjoying a day of exploring and storytelling and good food and drink. I will never forget that day. It was fantastic. We talked about the content of Terry’s newspaper column – Village Viewpoints. We talked about the Alice in Wonderland-themed wedding of his son and how Terry made the PERFECT white rabbit – clock and all!

It seems hard to believe that I just talked to Terry a little over a week ago. This time our conversation was about the good things of life, with Terry recounting the trip he made with Vicky to Kentucky to visit with Waylon and Tabby, their son and daughter-in-law. I recall his description of their apartment and its convenient location. “You could see the roof of Sam’s Club from their front door,” Terry said.

We talked about how their blind puppy was progressing and how the puppy had visited with them recently. We talked about one puppy that was coming home because the owner could no longer care for her (she returned to Newberry last week). We talked about the upcoming gardening season, praying together for warmer weather to create a better harvest. We talked about my daughter and her children. We talked about Christmas. We wished one another a happy and prosperous new year and said we would talk soon. Much to my chagrin, we never did.

And now this.

Even though I know it is part of His plan, I sometimes just want to shake my fist at God and ask, “WHY?”

I loved Terry. I love Vicky. I will miss him terribly. I will miss his wit. I will miss his level headedness. I will miss our long-winded conversations. I will miss his gentle and caring nature. I will miss Terry Webb. God rest his soul.

Today I end with the King James Version of the 23rd Psalm, as I know Terry made that walk yesterday, and I am confident that he resides in a better place now.

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. 
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
