Thursday, December 12, 2013

If you did not make it to the December Community Action Agency Bingo and luncheon, you missed a great time and some beautiful decorations courtesy of Marie Nicholson and her staff. The agency's dining room was festive with Christmas trees and decorations celebrating the season. Decorating the numerous trees took two weeks and two weekends of exhausting, but satisfying work. Those who made it out for the event played Bingo for food prizes, received a reminder about the fast-approaching Medicare Part D enrollment/change-of-plan deadline, as well as a reminder of the upcoming quarterly food distribution and what documentation is needed to sign up for the commodities distributed by the local Community Action Agency and a contingent of volunteers. Now, take time to enjoy the photographs from the event (below) and think about joining this jovial group for the next Bingo/luncheon.

All written copy and photographs herein contained are protected under United States copyright laws, and can not be reprinted or reused without the expressed written permission of the owner of this blog. © Cheryl Withrow 2013