Monday, December 31, 2012

Sports boosters celebrate the New Year

Here are photographs from the Tahquamenon Area Sports Boosters "A Nite at the Races" event held tonight at the Newberry Elks. Read about the event at See the pictures below.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Charlie's sister told him about this. Just take a round balloon; fill it with water and food coloring of your choice; stick it outside in the snow (rotate because snow insulates and the bottom will not freeze as quickly as the top); depending on the temperature, you'll have frozen colored crystal balls in a couple of days or so! Aren't they cool? The orange one is my favorite. What's yours?

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Check this out

My best friend sent me this video, Only takes a minute to view. Enjoy some "Buckeye Ingenuity" I might add!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Senior Christmas luncheon a huge success

Area seniors met today in Newberry for the annual Chippewa-Luce-Mackinac Community Action Agency Christmas luncheon. This annual event included presentation by Community Action staff of information relevant to senior living in the U.P. Enjoy the photographs of seniors, below, playing Bingo and having a great time socializing with their peers.