Monday, September 29, 2014

Walk for Diabetes - 2014 Edition

Were you one of the walkers who braved the chilly weather to walk for diabetes? If so, check out these photographs to see if your commitment to the cause was captured on camera.

Lynn Kihm, center, and her co-chairmen.

Signing up for the walk.

Our sister website,, sponsored the walk.

Setting up a glucose meter for walk participants.

Even dobermans participate.

Nice ride in a wagon for a great cause.

Wee ones take the easy stroll.

Walkers make it to the turnaround point.

Largest crowd of the walk converges on Snyder's.

Water or juice?

Sweatshirts were the most popular garb.

Everyone is smiling.

Mad dash across M-123.

Hoofin' it.

My kind of vantage point.

Wavin' right back at ya.

This wee one enjoyed some attention from a walk volunteer.