Saturday, October 5, 2013

Newberry women travel for convention

Four members of the Newberry Women's Club, an affiliate of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, attended the District 5 Upper Peninsula annual meeting Wednesday and Thursday in Menominee, returning home exhausted but full of enthusiasm for member recruiting and fund raising for Newberry Women's Club projects. An article detailing conference happenings is in the works. When complete, I will post a link to the story here. In the meantime, enjoy these photographs from the event.

On the road to Menominee

We ladies can always locate a Walmart!

Pizza party fun

Our pizza delivery "boy"

Venue overlooks the 3rd hole of the Riverside Golf Club in Menominee

American Legion Ladies Auxiliary display the colors . . .

While the tambourine sounds

I pledge allegiance . . .

Displays educate

Fun things to purchase

Decisions, decisions . . . What to bid on during the silent auction

Lots of information to absorb

Education fund "showers" money on club members

Break-out session - record keeping

Break-out session - membership

Break-out session - GFWC history and questions

Break-out session - fund raising

Lighting candles for those who passed during the past year

Special awards bring smiles