Friday, September 28, 2012

Homecoming parade photographs for your enjoyment

Newberry's homecoming parade was over in a record 9 minutes and 3 seconds. Check out the floats and decide which one you like the best. I fancy the Class of 2014, especially the score! How about you?

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Young people host senior appreciation event

Seniors, approximately 150 of them, came from all over the county to enjoy the Luce County Community Resource and Recreation Center's annual Senior Appreciation Dinner. To read the entire story, go to the Newberry Free Press Out & About page, to see the photographs, scroll down.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Rock On!

Muskallonge Lake State Park's 5th Annual Rock On! with Lake Superior Agates happened over the weekend. By all indications a good time was had by those who made the drive to enjoy the event. There was music, silent auctions, sled dog racing demonstration, a children's agate hunt, an agate walk, a Firewise informational booth, lessons on rock cutting and polishing and lectures about agates. If you didn't make it this year - maybe next. In the meantime, click here for some photographs from Saturday's event.