Friday, November 4, 2011

Newberry Water & Light Board Meeting Scheduled

The next meeting of the Newberry Water & Light Board is set for Tuesday, Nov. 8 at 6 p.m. in the Newberry Water & Light building, 307 E. McMillan in Newberry. 

Newberry Village Council will attend in a joint session to consider a management committee recommendation to reduce duties assigned to the village superintendent. Also on the combined agenda is a proposal to hire a new superintendent to oversee the water and light operations for the village. 

The board will also reopen the tabled discussion concerning the apprentice lineman and working foreman positions. Board Chairman Paul List tabled the agenda items during last month's meeting, claiming he had to have input from Village President Terry Webb and Village Manager Bev Holmes, before he would provide any direction to the council from the board on the subject of the two positions. Both Webb and Holmes are scheduled to attend the meeting.

Other matters for consideration of the water and light board include payment of bills, water system improvements, generator options, demand generation reimbursement figures and an invoice submittal from Gourdie-Fraser, Inc., the engineer of record for the water tower project that is currently on hold until spring 2012. The $8,808.73 invoice covers project design, a topographic survey, bidding, administration and construction observation.