Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Good Morning everyone - Here's a new blog feature. Get it here BEFORE you see it anywhere else - Village Viewpoints - a measuring stick of progress and issues written by Newberry President Terry Webb.

Village President

Let’s keep on the positive track, and “Let’s Keep Progress Going."

Newberry has many new and exciting happenings in its near future! As I move forward with this missive from the village offices, I hope to highlight the events well enough to spark your interest, support, and comments to ensure they include your visions as well.

The water tower project is essentially underway and will be more obvious this fall. Gourdie Fraser, an engineering firm out of Traverse City, is spearheading this project. I don’t know if we will have a say on a new exterior color, but if you have a suggestion, please submit it in writing at the Newberry Water & Light Office.

We continue to apply and look for a means to improve and complete our water distribution system. We have made great progress on replacing all of the old pipes with lined pipe that will not permit the growth of iron bacteria. An iron bacterium is gross, smelly, and can stain clothing, but it is not harmful to humans or other animals.  Working in tandem, the water and light board and the village council continue to return the Newberry water supply, which comes from one of the best aquifers in the country, to its best.

We are working on a grant (S-2 Grant) to develop an improvement plan for the wastewater treatment plant.  The plant will soon turn 40 years old.  Planning is in the formative stages, with the decision to move forward with a preliminary application already approved by council.

We are ready to close on the purchase of the 41 Lumber Company property. We will use this for safe storage of valuable property that we have stored under minimal security throughout the area.  The purchase also allows the village to put some vacant lots up for sale. Approximately $38 thousand of $65 thousand purchase price comes from a village insurance settlement from a collapsed building. The remaining $27 thousand comes from the water and light department, which will use at least one-third of the space.  We can also use the property to improve Atlas Park; maybe provide a pavilion, bathrooms, and picnic area – your thoughts and visions are most welcome.

We are pursuing a grant through the Safe Routes to School program. This grant provides 100 percent funding that will allow us to replace and install new sidewalks in town.

We have a local group forming to promote 4th of July fireworks in Newberry for next year. I have been working on this for nearly 15 months, but a person interested in forming a committee recently contacted me with a strong and positive spirit to make the fireworks happen with the help of the village. I know it can happen, and it will be an extravaganza. Those who can be nearby will see great ground displays and those who must view from afar will be able to see a spectacular aerial light show. The fireworks will take a great deal of hard work by our local volunteers, but I have been and will continue to work on a significant contribution from the village of Newberry. We’ve already contacted our insurance carrier and other communities who hold spectacular events each year. There are a couple of sites in my vision such as the ball diamonds on Charles Road, The Indian Spring Plaza, or maybe the new Brownfield Site just north of the tracks in Newberry. We can and will return fireworks to Newberry on the 4th of July 2012.

The Village received the highest rating attainable for its 2010 audit.  We are doing very well in 2011, and expect to get through 2012 without tax increases or other unnamed surcharges, taxes if you will, and I continue to work with the village manager and the finance committee to keep the budget balanced. I’m hoping that Gov. Snyder helps us out as well; if not, we’re Yoopers and we’ll thrive even in the worst of times. Newberry’s outlook is good right now.

Please send your suggestions, questions or comments in writing to the water and light office at 307 E. McMillan Ave., Newberry, MI 49868. If you prefer, you can drop your suggestions off at the office during regular business hours. You can also email me directly at terrencewebb@att.net.