Monday, May 30, 2011

Respect for the Fallen - Memorial Day 2011

Uncle George

Residents of Newberry pay tribute to those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country (see photo essay below). Of special note, World War II veteran, "Uncle George," who turned 99 years of age last week, proudly wears a cap signifying his service.

Presenting the colors.

The Newberry High School Band plays "The Star-Spangled Banner."

Newberry High School Band begins the march from the
high school to Forest Home Cemetery.

Memorial to those from Luce County
who made the ultimate sacrifice.

Newberry Engine #1 escorts the NHS Band to the cemetery.

Honor Guard members from Newberry
American Legion Post 74
pay tribute to their comrades-in-arms.
Amanda Scott reads the
essay she penned for ceremonies
at the local cemetery.

The color guard stands at rest during Memorial Day
ceremonies at Forest Home Cemetery.

The veterans section at Forest Home Cemetery. 
Jessica Scott reads the essay she wrote
for the 2011 Memorial Day observances
in Newberry.

Desert Storm veteran Randall Griffis gives
an emotion-packed message that honors service
men and women past and present, putting special
emphasis on those who died for their country.

Decoration of the graves.

Post Commander Kim Eddy, is
master of ceremonies at the graveyard.

The Honor Guard offers a 21-gun salute.

"Taps" is played while the Honor Guard stands at attention.

The Bugler plays a sorrowful rendition of "Taps."