Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Isn't She Pretty?

Check out our new ride. She's a 1996 Honda Passport with all the options including a sunroof and four-wheel drive!

Lenten Bible Study

Just a couple pix from the Newberry United Methodist Church's Lenten bible study, led by Rev. Saundra Clark, on the left in the top photograph.

Lost It For Sure!

You'd think I would have learned after serving on Vernon's joke of a city council, but here I am again, serving the people of Newberry as their newest council member. I look forward to my newest foray into the political arena. Only time will tell. That's village president Terry Webb to my left.

Peanut on the Lookout

Peanut loves this window on the stairway. He sits here many hours a day watching the traffic and the kids at the school across the street. He has a barking fit if anyone dares to walk down the sidewalk in front of the house!

Peanut & Stormy Say Hi!

Check out these guys enjoying the sunshine. Aren't they cute? I think so, but then, they are my "kids."

Woe is Me

Sent a letter to Apple last week about a major problem with my Mac. Why was I not surprised when, on Monday, I received a telephone call with an offer of assistance? I really love my G5 and hope the tech guy who is supposed to call tomorrow can get me up and running again. I sure hope so because there are over 5,300 pix in iPhoto and most of them are of the grandkids!