Monday, January 31, 2011


Went to the cabin fever luncheon on Friday and had a great time and won some prizes playing Bingo. Food was delicious and folks were friendly and welcoming. Going back on Feb. 4 for Valentine Day party. Forgot my camera so no pix today, but will take it this Friday so everyone can check it out. The luncheon is held in the brand new Luce County Community Action Agency building. Also visited Newberry United Methodist Church on Sunday. Nice group of people and inspiring service and message. Do believe we have found our home church.

A Shoveling We Will Go

OK, I know I look ridiculous shoveling snow in my robe, but at least my hat matches and my robe is warm!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

PeteyBear & Stormy

The kids asked to say "HI" so here are two of the four. PeteyBear is the border collie and Stormy is the German shepherd. Kind of spoiled, just like all our "kids."

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Good morning to all! Woke up to a balmy 18 degrees below zero this morning. Projected high today, 4 degrees, falling to 4 below zero by 8 p.m., then the winds are projected to shift to a southerly flow, bringing higher temps, 24 degrees tomorrow, and LOTS OF SNOW! We're under a lake-effect snow watch, with Newberry expected to receive up to one foot of snow beginning early this evening and lasting until Monday evening. Lovin' all the white stuff. It is s-o-o-o incredibly beautiful.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Planning the Garden

Woke up to another below-zero morning with a 23-below-wind-chill factor. Invigorating! Charlie decided what better way to enjoy the weather than by planning our garden. Of course I agreed, so we got out the seed books, pencil and paper and a couple of garden-friendly copies of Mother Earth News and got to work. Although we only managed to get a preliminary layout on paper, at least we are on our way to a productive flower/vegetable garden that will make our yard look beautiful and supplement our grocery budget at the same time. Will keep you posted on our progress.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Finally work up to a below-zero reading on the porch thermometer. Forecast is for continued cold and blustery through the weekend. Should make for some great snowmobiling and ice fishing. Can't wait for some perch and walleye. YUM!